Families Together in New York State represents, supports and advocates for youth and families voice in policy and systems change to ensure an equitable and inclusive journey that fosters belonging, wellness, and empowerment for all.  


Families Together collaborates with families, schools, policymakers and service providers to ensure families receive the services needed for their children. We host an annual legislative luncheon during session allowing families have the opportunity to voice their concerns and ideas with policymakers. See our policy priorities. 

Information & Referrals Support

Our toll-free Information and Referral Line serves hundreds of family members and service providers each year. Families Together staff have access to an extensive resources across New York State to provide individuals with the information they need. Our staff provides technical assistance to families, advocates, service providers and policymakers. You can reach our Information and Referral specialist by sending an email to info@ftnys.org, or by calling 888.326.8644.

Training and Education

Families Together hosts an annual conference for families and service providers, offering trainings and educational workshops. We attend various conferences and other events exhibiting and distributing information.

Public Awareness

Families Together aims to increase public awareness of children’s mental health issues through media contacts, special events, various publications and our website.